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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Haslam Points To The Positives

Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam turned emotional Wednesday in a farewell speech to city employees, City Council members and citizens, declaring, 'I have really loved being mayor of Knoxville.'
'It's a great job in a great city working with great people,' Haslam said in his 13-minute speech at the City County Building.
'There is a new sense of pride in our city and confidence in our great potential.'
Haslam will resign as mayor Monday and be inaugurated as governor Jan. 15.
He mentioned as accomplishments during his time in office since 2003 the construction of the multimillion-dollar transit center, the Regal Riviera Stadium 8 downtown, opening of the nearby S&W Cafeteria and revitalization of the Tennessee Theatre.
He said challenges facing the next mayor include improving the slow progress of the South Waterfront Development project, which has been a victim of the economy, controversies over the Knoxville-Knox County Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness and the increasing costs of the city's pension plan.
He said he's a strong believer in permanent supportive housing for the chronically homeless.
'It is essential that we continue to search out and implement methods to prevent and address the day-to-day challenges homelessness presents, and we must not let homelessness become an issue that divides us and appeals to the worst of our impulses,' the mayor said.
Already, there is a strong contingent of Knoxvillians opposing permanent supportive housing.
'It's been seven years since I was sworn into office on Market Square on a really cold December day,' Haslam said to a packed audience. 'I could not have told you at that time exactly what this administration would accomplish. However, I was sure of two things I hoped would change. Knoxville had carried a chip on her shoulder for way too long. We compared ourselves to other cities, always wishing we could be more like somewhere else.
'Secondly, we spent way too much time arguing about stupid stuff. There is nothing wrong with good arguments. They should be about stuff that matters.'
Haslam got emotional at the end of his speech as he expressed his 'heartfelt appreciation' to those in the audience
'for making this experience incredibly rewarding,' adding, 'Being mayor really is the best job I've ever had.'
Haslam, who since the election has gained security detail, said after his speech that he talks with outgoing Gov. Phil Bredesen every two to three days about important things in the governor's office, including the key positions Haslam must appoint.
Rebecca Ferrar may be reached at 865-342-6357.

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